November 7, 2008

this is probably important

It's been a while since you wrote. That happens. It's almost designed to happen that way--leave the gate running full-sprint and then just lose the momentum. It happens. You can't always come home and have the desire to write. It's not always there. You don't always want to share.

Plus maybe you're too busy living.

There are many, many things that have happened since Sara and Olivia got fired. For the record, you should know that they were both fired for "using computer time without paying" which they both denied, of course, save for once or twice (and in your good conscience you can't say you didn't know about this). Olivia went off on her own life pretty quick. You were never that close with her, although she was hilarious and did very amazing impersonations of your fellow employees and bosses, and so the best you can do now is hope she's having a good life out there living in the middle of nowhere. For the record, also, you should know that you and Sara stayed semi-close friends during her month-long struggle with unemployment and new employment and depression and boredom. On a handful of occasions you got to hang out with her and Adam, usually at a bar, sometimes with others. You'll always like Sara a lot. These days she's got a new job at Copperfields Books and it sounds like she's enjoying that and hopefully you'll get yourself on a bus to go visit her. So life is kind of falling back into place.

Except for Alyssa. A couple days ago you got a call from her asking for Michelle's phone number because Alyssa had just gotten out of jail and wanted to talk to someone who worked at a medical marijuana office. You still don't know why Alyssa was in jail for three days. She didn't sound happy about it. Alyssa who got fired and then broke up with her boyfriend and lived with her friends, you don't know what's going on with her. You should call her...

Carissa got a new apartment and moved out on her own. She's going through her own personal stuff (there's that drama with Amanda that came out of left field, for example) and still pretty cheerful about life. Um, Michelle has been gone for a couple days in Nebraska because of family custody battles, which you don't know all the details about and hopefully she'll be back soon to explain. Meanwhile, you and her and Carissa are planning on a hotel/strip-club birthday extravaganza for Michelle's twenty-first in December. She should be back from Nebraska by then.

Obama got elected President.
Prop 8 passed, those fuckers.
Prop 2 passed, so hooray for the animals.

You voted, maybe, with one of those mail-in ballots and even though you live in Santa Rosa and filled out a registration form on campus trying to change your county, your mom still mailed you your ballot from Auburn and so who knows if your vote counted, considering how you were never quite sure of your proper registration... Oh well. You were sure Obama would win with or without your vote, anyway.

Some new employees have come to Aromas. This only makes your elder-like position more valuable and so that's probably why you got a fifty-cent raise a while back. This is officially your first ten-dollar-and-hour job. You make seventeen cents a minute. The new people are alright. No new best friends. Whitney is a cloned and cleaner version of Stina. Lauren is like Megan, just calmer. The newest batch since those two (Jenna, Rachel, and Ruth) are still here and so is everyone else. Danny says he's leaving in January. Michelle's probably leaving soon, too. Carissa wants to get started on her tatooing and whatnot, but she'll stick around as long as it takes to save up money to fix her car. And you're still just planning on staying at Aromas until May next year. Until graduation.

Let's just go ahead and say you're getting yourself into a relationship with AJ. Last night you'd have had sex with her if you didn't go all limp trying to put on the condom. This wasn't anything new to you. It had happened before. Condoms are like sweaters for pets. The idea of protection is there, sure, but they just get in the way. You'd like to say more about what you crazy kids did instead and you're pretty sure this news is much more exciting to you than AJ, who you'd safely assume is a girl with more experience than you. How you know AJ is from her working at Aromas a long time ago, leaving, then coming back later as a customer. It was recently that she decided to pursue you. It was recently that you started kissing each other.

Elsewhere in life you've got a new friendship with Sarah, the tall blonde girl who's been coming to Aromas for a long time, and that's been a test of your assuredness. There's the new videogames you've been playing (thanks to the money you've been saving, still not driving, still taking the bus and the bicycle). Dead Space and Fallout 3, and, soon enough, Gears of War 2. These are obviously taking you away from time to write, but as for your Kessler's Crossing novel, it's lost its momentum. You're thinking about taking out the whole part about Salt Lake City, but you haven't sat down and actually worked on it in about two weeks. This is disheartening, for sure, but you've always done your best work when life and school and work aren't constantly knocking on your door. It's just bad timing.

You still hate school. You're passing all your classes, you think. You hope.

Michael Cricthon died of cancer at 66 this week, too. That was sad to hear.

Oh, yeah, and then there's that volunteer gig you scored at KRCB in Rohnert Park with the radio program there. Natalie--your "boss"--gives you a stack of CD's every week and you take them home and listen to them and copy them and listen to them on the iPod you borrowed from Sara and then review them. Next week you switch out for a new batch. This simple process has introduced you to a lot of new bands and songs that are amazing and fresh. There's no money being made by this but you can't really consider it work if it's just listening to music at home and giving it good or bad marks. Natalie seems pretty sure that this opportunity will lead to even better opportunities in the music business. You've never considered a life in the music business, you one-track-minded writer, and so recently your little brain has expanded to contemplate the idea that maybe there's something else out there you're passionate about besides writing. Anyway, you're still just reviewing stacks of music and so far that's as much responsibility as you can handle. We'll see where that goes.

That's it for now. You're gonna go play Fallout 3 now.

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