August 9, 2008

my main project

Filmed more of the robot movie. The working title is: HOW I SPENT THE DAY AS A ROBOT. But Karen suggested THE DAY OF ROBOT. Now I'm gonna make up a couple more right now and see if I can think of anything good on the spot.


I like that last one. Sounds just right.

That's really been my main project right now. I've officially put the novel on hold just to get this out of my head and finish it. I don't know what it's about and I don't know what it's for... But I like picking music for the scenes and editing the clips together into a continuous stream of miniature music videos. And I've been smoking a lot of weed recently and that makes the whole endeavor more of an adventure. I don't remember the last time I laughed as hard as when me and Carissa were sitting outside in the parking lot in the spotlight of a lamp filming scenes of us smoking a cigarette (me with the robot helmet on), and then we thought we heard some sound and got all paranoid and self-aware of how bizarre we looked outside at 2:00 AM with a robot costume and a camera. And it's the little moments like that which make the little project seem worthwhile-- getting my friends involved with some silly thing their odd coworker is putting together. I love it when they get called while we're filming something and they say, "Oh I'm just hanging out with my friend, Chris. We're just filming this robot movie. It's about a robot doing normal people stuff. Yeah. I don't know. It's fun."

I'm gonna go work on the fight scene now. Over and out.

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