Well that's three times you've started and erased this entry. Should you even bother with one today? This feels like entirely useless blabbering, now. And it is. It really is. But now you're kind of enjoying it. What will this be like to read in the future? Can you remember what it was like to be stoned, sitting with your back against the wall and your legs stretched forward on your bed, tucked away underneath the staircase in that small loft you rented with Bryce in Santa Rosa? Where are you now, Chris Fryer? Are you still living the same lifestyle? Do you still have the same friends? Do you remember that loft in Santa Rosa? The checkered blanket you had hung up underneath the staircase like a canopy over your bed. The movie-ticket collage. The poster you drew of the reindeer looking at a bird. The nightstand by your bed made of plastic milk crates and duct-tape. The 32 inch flat screen TV that put you in debt -- do you still have that TV? The Xbox 360. The Gateway PC. The little videocamera. Do you still have any of that?
What about...
The entertainment center Amy bought for you from the Thrift Store. The iPod. The black ottoman chair you're surprised you've held onto for so long. Do you still use that alarm clock that you've had since freshman year of highschool? Could you have even held onto that blue trashcan you remember Nancy giving to you for free? It would make a good trashcan for the bathroom... And do you still have that apple juice jar full of loose change? That 'born' poster you copied off of the wall in Half Life 2. That Shel Silverstein poem you posterized and framed. That map of Liberty City. The stuff board... And what about that $45 dollar mint-green couch you bought from the Thrift Store (still one of your favorite purchases, up there with the TV and computer)? That's the first couch you ever bought. How many of those DVD's do you still have? Did you hold onto that bike or did you have to give it back? What ended up happening with the Jeep Cherokee? Do you still sleep with the same blankets and pillows? The same mattress and bed-frame?
Are you the same person you are now, just older?
What about...
The entertainment center Amy bought for you from the Thrift Store. The iPod. The black ottoman chair you're surprised you've held onto for so long. Do you still use that alarm clock that you've had since freshman year of highschool? Could you have even held onto that blue trashcan you remember Nancy giving to you for free? It would make a good trashcan for the bathroom... And do you still have that apple juice jar full of loose change? That 'born' poster you copied off of the wall in Half Life 2. That Shel Silverstein poem you posterized and framed. That map of Liberty City. The stuff board... And what about that $45 dollar mint-green couch you bought from the Thrift Store (still one of your favorite purchases, up there with the TV and computer)? That's the first couch you ever bought. How many of those DVD's do you still have? Did you hold onto that bike or did you have to give it back? What ended up happening with the Jeep Cherokee? Do you still sleep with the same blankets and pillows? The same mattress and bed-frame?
Are you the same person you are now, just older?
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