August 20, 2008

two : thirteen a. m.

Bob Coleman recognized you from the platform when you stopped by A'romas today. He called out your name and you turned and saw him, still looking like Don King, sitting with some other professor. Now you're not about to pretend like you didn't just make eye contact with the guy, so you hold tight to your coffee cup and scurry across the coffeeshop to say hello. And what does he say? You can't remember now, but it was something like "You're lucky I let you pass my class, you ungrateful shit, and I know you didn't read any of Jane Austen's books -- you didn't even buy them. So let's just make sure THAT'S the last thing we ever talk about." And you probably just got that vibe because you were riding the endtails of an earlier high, so you do whatever you can to get away.

Blink, gone, you're going home.

You wasted an obnoxious amount of time working on a blog / story concept that came out alright but didn't turn out as satisfying as you hoped. Hours wasted. That has never been a feeling you've enjoyed, but it's one you're used to. False starts. Fucking false starts. Not that it didn't help pass the time. Now that you've flushed all that out of your system, though, you find that it's already 2:00 AM and you're not that tired. Just now you erased five sentences in which you confessed to being high and then tried to validate it. But it was dumb rambling.

All you wanted was to talk about seeing Coleman at A'romas. Oh, and you paid Carissa back. And all your checks are in the mail and your paycheck was a high average, so you're feeling financially comfortable. Bryce warned you that you might get kicked out of school on September 9th if those tuition fees aren't paid off. But you honestly don't know the first thing about how your education is being paid for, so like you've done the past three years, you're going to do nothing about it. Here's to hoping those aren't famous last words.

Not much else is going on in these parts. Ashley is trying to get "The Crew" together for a paintballing expedition before Aaron goes back to France. That would be a lot of fun, you're sure of that, but you feel like those friends have given up on you. Not all the way. Not yet. But you did decline a handful of chances to hang out with them over the summer because of one reason or another. People pay attention to that. Friendships are work. It's just that more often than not, you feel the happiest in your apartment with your stuff and your hobbies.

Okay. That's all. You really have nothing to say. Okay. Done.

(UPDATE: the next morning you woke up to check out your class schedule on CMS and your "Total Due Now" amount was replaced with "You have no outstanding charges," which means the 2,100 some odd dollars I owed for tuition was magically taken care of. Again. I'll be expecting the bill after I graduate...)

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